Professor Dr. Mageswary A/p Karpudewan
Associate Professor
BSc(UPM); DipEd(UM); MEd(USM); PhD(USM)
Chemistry Education, Climate Change Education, Environmental Education, Green Chemistry in Education
USM Expert
Research Gate
Google Scholar
Impact of green chemistry experiments on pre-service teachers' environmental values, Chemical Education Journal, 10(2), 2008.
The Integration of Green Chemistry Experiments with Sustainable Development Concepts in Pre-service Teachers' Curriculum: Experiences from Malaysia, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 10 (2), 118-135, 2009. (Scopus Journal)
Green Chemistry:Educating prospective science teachers in ESD at the School of Educational Studies, USM. Journal of Social Sciences 7 (1): 45-53, 2011
The efficacy of a green chemistry laboratory-based pedagogy: Changes in environmental values of Malaysia pre-service teachers. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in press (DOI: 10.1007/s10763-011-9295-y) (Scopus Journal).
Evaluation of an intervention instructional program to facilitate understanding of basic particle concepts among students enrolled in several levels of study. Chemical Education Research and Practice12: 251-261, 2011. (ISI Journal)
Greening the Curriculum of Chemistry Teaching Methods Course: ESD at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Journal of Education for Sustainable Development in press.
Ensuring Environmental Sustainability through Teaching and Learning Chemistry in Osman, O and Zainal Abidin, S (Eds), Proceedings for The 2006 ASAIHL Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (EfSD), Penang Malaysia, pp 152-165.
Knowledge, Beliefs, Desires and Behavior of Chemistry Pre-service Teachers towards the Environment in Suan, Y., Ismail, M., Nurulazam, A., Fong.,S.,F., and Lim, C.,S (Eds), Proceedings for International Organization of Science and Technology Education Symposium 2006-Science and Technology Education in the Service of Humankind, Penang, Malaysia pp 487-494
Greening the High School Chemistry Curriculum to Address Education for Sustainable Development in Lee, Y,J., Tan, A.,L. and Ho, B., T.(Eds), Proceedings for The International Science Education Conference 2006-Science Educations: What Works. Nanyang Technological University. Singapore pp 404-413.
Pre Service Teachers' Awareness and Knowledge of Concepts Central to Sustainable Development, in Proceedings for 12th International Conference on Education: Changing Contours of Education: Future Trends. 2007. Brunei Darussalam.
Pre Service Teachers' Environmental Values an Indicator for Curriculum Reform to Address Education for Sustainable Development. Proceedings for World Conference on Science and Technology Education: Sustainable. Responsible. Global. 2007. Perth, Australia.
Enhancing Environmental Value Change through Green Chemistry Experiments. Proceedings for International Seminar on Development of Values in Mathematics and Science Education. 2007. University Malaya. Kuala Lumpur.
Enhancing the acquisition of concepts central to sustainable development through green chemistry in Cheah, U.I, Wahyudi, Y., Devadasan, R. P (Eds), Proceedings for the Second International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd 2007): Redefining Learning Culture for Sustainability, Penang pp 127-133.
Educating Pre-service Teachers with Environmental Knowledge and Values. Proceedings for the Environmental Education Conference, November 26-30 2007, Ahamdabad, India.
Preparing chemistry pre-service teachers for ESD through green chemistry. Proceedings for the 11th UNESCO-APEID International Conference Reinventing Higher Education toward Participatory and Sustainable Development, 2007, UNESCO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Feasibility of Integrating Green Chemistry Experiments in the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (or KBSM): A Malaysian Perspective. Paper presented in Virtual Conference as part of the 20th ICCE, 1-25July2008, Mauritius.
Green Chemistry: An Approach towards Inculcating Ecological Stewardship. Paper presented at the International Conference of Education for All, 17-19 August 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Green Chemistry: An Approach to Promote Pro-environmental Attitudes. Paper presented at the East Asian Science Education Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 November 2009.
Student's view/perception on Implementation of Green Chemistry Experiments in KBSM Chemistry Curriculum. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMEd 2009, 10-12 November 2009, Penang, Malaysia.
Green Chemistry: Educating prospective science teachers in ESD at the School of Educational Studies, USM. Paper presented at the 3rd HESD Conference, 20-23 November 2009, USM. Penang, Malaysia.
Conference Abstracts
Impact of Green Chemistry Experiments on Pre Service Teachers' Environmental Values. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Innovations in Chemistry Education: Chemistry for Development, Environment and Sustainability in Asia. Kuala Lumpur.
Enhancing the acquisition of chemistry concepts through green chemistry experiments. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Science Education in the Asia-Pacific, November 30- December 1. 2007. Bangkok, Thailand.
Enhancing the Pre-service Teachers' Self-determined Intrinsic Motivation through Green Chemistry Experiments. Paper presented at International Chemical Education Conference, 3-8 August2008, Mauritius.
PostersEducation for Sustainable Development through Green Chemistry. Poster presented at the International Symposium on Innovations in Chemistry Education: Chemistry for Development, Environment and Sustainability in Asia. Kuala Lumpur
Integration of Green Chemistry Experiments in Chemistry Teaching Methods Course. Poster presented at the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering Conference, 23-26June2008, Washington D.C.
1 Award given by National Institute of Education, Singapore to attend and present paper at the International Organization of Science and Technology Education Symposium 2006. Organized by NIE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2 Award given by University of Chulalongkorn, Thailand to attend and present paper at the 1st International Conference on Science Education in the Asia-Pacific, November 30- December 1. 2007. Bangkok, Thailand and to participate in concurrent Green Chemistry Workshop at University of Chulalongkorn, Thailand
3 Finalist for the Shell Intervarsity Student Paper Presentation Competition, 3-4 March2008, University Technology Malaysia
4 Joseph Breen Award given by Green Chemistry Institute of American Chemical Society. Award was given in accordance with Green Chemistry and Green Engineering Conference, 23-26June 2008, Washington, D.C.
5 Award given by University of Oregon to participate in the Green Chemistry in Education Workshop 2008, 15-21 June 2008, University of Oregon, USA
6 Award given by OCPW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) to attend and present paper at the 20th International Chemical Education Conference, 3-8 August2008, Mauritius. 7 Anugerah Inovasi Penyelidikan, Peringkat Kebangsaan (Seminar Penyelidikan dan Inovasi Peringkat Kebangsaan Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia, 12-14 November 2009)
8 Young Scholars Award given by American Chemical Society to attend and present paper at the upcoming Pacifichem 2010, Hawaii.
International Conference on Improving Learning of Science: Writing and Multimodal Representation, University Santo Tomas, Manila in collaboration with the Center for Chemistry Education of Miami University, U.S.A. 11-14th April 2011.
Kursus Pemantapan Kimia Fasa 2, Institut Latihan Kecemerlangan Mara, 2 -6 Mei 2011.
14th Asian Chemical Congress (14ACC).Green Chemistry: Current Practices and Innovation Symposium. 5-8September2011, Bangkok Thailand.