Associate Professor Dr. Aziah Ismail
Associate Professor
B.A.(Ed.)(USM); M.Ed.; Ph.D.(UM)
Education Policy, Management & Administration, Planning & Policy, Tertiary Education
USM Expert Research Gate Google Scholar
Aziah binti Ismail obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Education, University of Malaya for Educational Management, Planning and Policy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia under Prof. Dato’ Sufean Hussin. Her is currently Associate Professor for Educational Management at the School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses and supervises Master's and PhD students. Her main research interests are in the educational management and policy, human resource development, t higher education policy, management and development and educational research. Her current research activities are in the fields of organizational politic in human resource development and academic leadership and networking in ASEAN universities. Her work has been published in both local and international journals. She is a reviewer of several journals as well as examiner of master's and doctoral theses.
Aziah Ismail (2007). Pelaksanaan Rancangan Pembangunan Universiti Awam Di Malaysia (The Implementation of Development Plan in Malaysian Public Universities). Unpublished PhD thesis. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Sufean Hussin & Aziah Ismail (2008). Memacu Puncak Ilmu: Autonomi Universiti Merencana Pembangunan (Translation: University Autonomy in Planning Their Development). Mont Kiara: Tinta Publishers.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2010). Konsep-konsep Asas Amalan Desentralisasi Dalam Pendidikan. (Translation: The Basic Concepts of Decentalisation In Education). USM, Pulau Pinang: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2011). Inventori Amalan Desentralisasi Sekolah Kluster Malaysia (IADSKM) (Translation: The Inventory of Decentralisation Practices in Malaysian Cluster Schools Management). USM: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.
Aziah Ismail, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Nor Shafrin Ahmad, Nordin Abdul Razak & Ahmad Tajuddin Othman (2011). Membina Inventori Amalan Desentralisasi Dalam Pengurusan Di Sekolah Kluster di Malaysia (Translation: Developing An Inventory of Decentralisation Practices in Malaysian Cluster School Management). USM: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). Resepi Kejayaan Lima Buah Sekolah Kebangsaan Berprestasi Tinggi Di Malaysia (Translation: The Success Recipe of Five Higher Performance School in Malaysia). USM: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). Amalan-amalan Terbaik di Sekolah-sekolah Kebangsaan Berprestasi Tinggi Di Malaysia (Translation: The Best Practices of Higher Performance School in Malaysia). USM: Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.
Sufean Hussin & Aziah Ismail (2009). Goals, components, and factors considered in university development. Asia Pacific Education Review, 10: 83-91. Springer. Indexed in Thomas Reuters Social Science Citation Index
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2012). Amalan Autonomi dan Akauntabiliti dalam Pengurusan Sekolah Kluster di Malaysia (Translation: Autonomy and accountability practices in Malaysian Cluster Schools Management). Jurnal Teknologi. 58 (2012) (pp. 29-35). Indexed in Scopus.
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Thiagarajan Annamalai, Aziah Ismail & Naser Jamel Al-Zaidiyen (2012). The Effects of Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, Self-efficacy on Performance Appraisal: A Study Among Malaysian Teachers. Archives Des Sciences Journal Vol. 54 Issue 4. Indexed in ISI (Thomas Reuter). ISI: 0.474.
Hasan A. A. Argia & Aziah Ismail (2013). The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Level of TQM Implementation in the Higher Education Sector. Higher Education Studies. Vol 3(1), 11.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2013). Parents’ Involvement in Malaysian Autonomous Schools. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2013, 3(3):657-668
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Aziah Ismail & Kho Yin Yin (2013). The mediating effects of collective and self-efficacy on the relationship between workplace spirituality, and psychological well being and commitment among Malaysian Teachers. Archives of Science Journal, 66(6), 162-171.
Abdul Ghani Abdullah and Aziah Ismail (2013). Stakeholders' Involvement in School Based Management in Malaysian Cluster School. Elixir International Journal, 65(2013), 33-36.
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2013). An Exploratory Analysis of Definition and Effects of Practicing Spirituality at Workplace from the Standing Points of School Managers. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 3(8): 1745-1752.
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2014). Antecedents of Employee Loyalty among Public School Teachers in Malaysia: The Influence of Family Support and Motivation. American Journal of Scientific Research, 100 (2014), 84-91.
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Anandan Kuppan & Aziah Ismail (2014). Middle Managers’ Leadership and Students’ Learning Behaviour: The Role of Teacher Collective Efficacy as Mediator. International Review of Social Sciences. 2(9), 340-351.
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2014). Correlation between Cultural Perceptions, Leadership Style and ICT Usage by School Principals in Malaysia. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 13(3), 27-40. (SCOPUS Indexed)
Ravi Kumar Varatharaj, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2014). Assessment Practices among Malaysian Cluster School Teachers. International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies, 1(3), 23-27.
Aziah Ismail, Najdah Baharom & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). Professional Learning Community Practices In High And Low Performing Schools In Malaysia. International Journal of Current Research and academic Review, 2(9), 159-164.
Aziah Ismail, Burstow, B. & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). The Evolution Of England And Malaysian School System Governance: An Analysis from the Perspective of Clark’s Coordination Triangle. Integrated Journal of British, 1(3), 26-42.
Ravikumar Vantharaj, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2015). The Effect of Teacher Autonomy on Assessment Practices Among Malaysian Cluster School Teachers. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 5(1), 31-36.
Ling Ying Leh, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2015). The Influence of Feedback Environment towards Self-Efficacy for Students Engagement, Classroom Management and Teaching Strategies. International Journal of Management Science, 4(6), 253-260.
Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Thiagarajan a/l Anamalai, Aziah Ismail & Ying-Leh Ling (2015).'Do Perceived Organizational Justice and Trust Determine Satisfaction of Performance Appraisal Pracitce? A Case of Malaysian Secondary School Teachers. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2(8))23B37.
Ling Ying Leh, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2015). The Influence of Feedback Environment towards Self Efficacy for Students Engagement, Classroom Management and Teaching Strategies. International Journal of Management Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2015, 253-260
Muftahu Jibirin Salihu, Hazri Jamil & Aziah Ismail (2016). Exploring Institutional Policies towards Achieving Macro Policy of Equal University Admission: A Case of a Selected University in Northwest Nigeria. International Research In Higher Education 1(1), 170-178.
Anantha Raj A. Arokiasamy, Abdul Ghani Kanesan abdullah, Mohamad Zohir Ahmad & Aziah Ismail (2016). Transformational Leadership of School principals and Organizational health of Primary School Teachers in Malaysia. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 229 (2016). 151-157.
Safial Aqbar Zakaria & Aziah Ismail (2012). Impak Cahaya Dan Pencahayaan Terhadap Keselamatan Warga Di Sekolah. (Translation: The Impact of Light and Lighting Towards the School Community Safety) Malaysian Education Dean’s Council Journal . Vol10/June 2012 (pp. 64-78).
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). Amalan Autonomi Dan Akauntabiliti Di Sekolah Berautonomi Dan Impaknya Terhadap Kesediaan Guru. Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan (JuPiDi), 1(1), 12 pages.
Aziah Ismail, Loh Hooi Yen & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2015). Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional Dan Efikasi Kendiri Guru Sekolah Menengah Di Pulau Pinang. Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan (JuPiDi), 2(1), pg 1-12
Low Hui Min, Aziah Ismail & Abdul Rashid Mohamed. (2015) Menerajui Program Doktor Pendidikan: Dilema, Cabaran dan Potensi Perkembangan. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia . 40(1)(2015): 57-62
Ling Ying Leh, Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah & Aziah Ismail (2015). Persekitaran Maklum balas sebagai Penentu Efikasi Kendiri Pengajaran Pensyarah Politeknik . Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management (MOJEM). 3(1), 18-31.
Ooi Chew Hong & Aziah Ismail (2015). Sokongan Pihak Pengurusan Sekolah Terhadap Tekanan Kerja Guru di Sekolah Kebangsaan dan Jenis Kebangsaan Cina. Jurnal Kepimpinan Pendidikan. 2(2), 42-57.
Aziah Ismail & Nor Shafrin Ahmad. (2011). Kepimpinan Guru dalam Bilik Darjah dan Minat Murid Terhadap Matematik (Translation: Teachers Leadership in Classroom and Students’ Interest in Mathematic). In Azlena Zainal, Jabil Mapjabil, Munir Shuib & Mohd Zainul Fithri Othman (Eds). Kemahiran Dan Kecekapan dalam Pendidikan. USM: PPIK (pp. 151-162).
Thilagavathy a/p Aramugam & Aziah Ismail (2014). Amalan Kapasiti Kepimpinan Guru Di Sekolah. In Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Hazri Jamil, Low Hui Min & Aziah Ismail (Eds). Pedagogi dan Kepimpinan: Pendekatan dan Panduan untuk Pendidik. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill.
Aziah Ismail & Najdah Baharom (2014). Sekolah sebagai Organisasi Pembelajaran Melalui Pembudayaan Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional. In Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Hazri Jamil, Low Hui Min & Aziah Ismail (Eds). Pedagogi dan Kepimpinan: Pendekatan dan Panduan untuk Pendidik. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill.
Aziah Ismail & Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah (2014). In Loco Parentis. In Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Hazri Jamil, Low Hui Min & Aziah Ismail (Eds). Pedagogi dan Kepimpinan: Pendekatan dan Panduan untuk Pendidik. Kuala Lumpur: McGraw Hill.
Royal Academic Award as the Best Student in Academic and Co-curricular 1998 in Universiti sains Malaysia Convocation Ceremony – Malaysian Kings Council.
Best paper award 2016 in Education Dean Council Seminar 2016 – The Council of Education Deans in Malaysian Public Universities
The Best Junior Lecturer 2014 – Teacher Day Celebration, USM.
External and internal examiner for post graduate students
Reviewer for international and national academic journals and books
Assessor for research grant application at national and international level
Editorial board for books; Educator’s Digest; Asia Pacific of Educators and Education Journal; International Journal of Learning
Research Fellow of National of Higher Education and Research Institution (NAHERI)