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School of Educational Studies  |  Main Campus

Dr. Kimberley Kong

  Ph.D. (Psychology, Trinity College Dublin), M.Ed. (USM), B.Sc. (UKM)
  Academic Resilience, Self-Regulation, Child Well-being, Rence in Children, Development Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Development, Early Childhood & Primary Education
  USM Expert     Research Gate    Google Scholar
Dr. Kimberley Kong is a Lecturer and Researcher in the School of Educational Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Her research interests are in child development and child well-being, with particular reference to resilience. Prior to taking up her lectureship at USM, Kimberley worked as a doctoral researcher at the Children’s Research Centre (Trinity College Dublin) on the National Longitudinal Study of Children in Ireland, Growing Up in Ireland (GUI). She was funded by the College Postgraduate Research Award to conduct longitudinal research on academic resilience in children who grew up in disadvantaged environment. She is also involved in community work among marginalised populations to promote positive educational outcomes. Kimberley is also most interested in studying the connection between play and child development. She had worked extensively with parent-toddler dyads in play-enriched settings aimed at enhancing parent-child bonding. Besides lecturing and research work, Kim conducts regular workshops and public talks on play and learning in early childhood.