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Professor Dr. Lee Lay Wah

  • Professor
      B.Sc.Ed (USM); RSTP (USM); Cert.Sp.Ed. (MPIK); M.Ed (USM); PhD (UKM)
      Dyslexia, Educational Technology, Special Education, Visual Impairment
      USM Expert     Research Gate    Google Scholar
  • Lay Wah LEE is currently a Professor at the School of Educational Studies, USM. Previous to this she was the Chairperson of the Special Education Program. She is the curriculum developer of both the B.Ed (Special Education) and the forthcoming M.Ed (Special Education) program. Her research is primarily focused on dyslexia, learning disabilities, special educational technology and visual impairment. She has published quite extensively in journal papers, book chapters and books. She has also produced a number of teaching and learning products including award-winning open-access web portals for special education, notably ePKhas ® and eKodBraille. She is also the recipient of two international academic awards. 
    • Winskel, H. & Lee, L.W. (in press). Learning to read and write in Indonesian/Malaysian: A transparent alphabetic orthography. In Winskel, H. & Padakannaya, P (Eds.), South and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Lee Lay Wah, Lai Fong Hwa, Silviannne Bonadei, Lynne Yong, Indranee Liew, Yusni Yusoff, Melissa Chua. (2011). A behavoural modification programme for special education classroom. USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Lee Lay Wah. (2011). Ujian pemprosesan fonologi untuk mengenalpasti disleksia [Translation: Tests of phonological processing to identify dyslexia]. USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Tiun Ling Ta, Lee Lay Wah, Khoo Suet Leng. (2011). Peluang dan cabaran orang kurang upaya dalam pasaran pekerjaan. [Translation: Opportunities and challenges of individuals with disabilties in employment].USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Lee Lay Wah. (2010) Severe dyslexia: A treatment case study.]. USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Lee Lay Wah. (2010). An innovative invention: ePKhas, A repository of multimedia resources for special education. USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Lee Lay Wah. (2009). Ujian bacaan untuk mengenalpasti disleksia. [Translation: Tests of reading to identify dyslexia]. USM: Basic Education Research Unit. 
    • Lee Lay Wah. (2008). Key factors that promote inclusive education in the UK and the Netherlands: A case study. USM: Basic Education Research Unit.
    • Lee, L.W. (2008). Development and validation of a reading-related assessment battery in Malay for the purpose of dyslexia assessment. Annals of Dyslexia, 58, pp. 37-57. (Impact factor 1.478).
    • Lee, L.W. & Wheldall, K. (2010). Acquisition of Malay word recognition skills: Lessons from low-progress early readers. Dyslexia, 17, pp. 19-37. (Impact factor: 1.116).
    • Lee, L.W., Yeap, M.C., & Low, H.M. (2012). Lessons learned from piloting a treatment decoding program with a young Malay student with dyslexia. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 21(2), pp. 286-295. (Impact factor 0.958).
    • Lee, L.W., Low, H.M., Mohamed, A.R. (2012). Word count analysis of Malay language textbooks for the purpose of developing a Malay reading remedial programme, Writing Systems Research, 4(1), pp. 103-119. [Scopus]
    • Lee, L.W., Low, H.M. (2012). 'Unconscious' inclusion of students with learning disabilities in a Malaysian mainstream primary school: Teachers' perspectives
 Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-3802.2012.01250.x. Article in Press. [Scopus]
    • Tiun, L.T., Lee, L.W. , & Khoo, S.L. (2011). Employment of people with disabilities in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia: Employers' perspective. Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal, 22(2), pp. 79-94. [Scopus].
    • Lee, L.W. & Low, H.M. (2011). Developing an online Malay Language word corpus for primary schools. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 7(3), pp.96-101. 
    • Lee, L.W. (2010). Different strategies for embracing inclusive education: A snap shot of individual cases from three Countries. International Journal of Special Education, 25(3), pp. 98-109. [Scopus].
    • Lee, L.W. (2010). The Davis model of dyslexia intervention: Lessons from one child. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 18(1), pp. 133-139. [Scopus].
    • Lee, L.W., Wheldall, K. (2009). An examination of the simple view of reading among beginning readers in Malay. Reading Psychology, 30(3), pp. 250-264. [Scopus].
    • Lee, L.W. (2008). Dyslexia: Different cultures, similar behavioural signs. Dyslexia Review, 19(3), 19-26. [The Journal of the Dyslexia Guild, UK].
    • Lee, L.W. (2010). An open-access repository of multimedia resources to support special needs instruction. i-CREATe 2010 - International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Journal Proceedings. [Scopus].
    • Lee, L.W. (2010). Structural and pedagogical design of learning objects to support special education teachers. In Z. Abas et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn 2010 (pp. 3609-3614). AACE.
Retrieved from [Ed/ITLib].
    • Lee, L.W. (2011). An online multimedia tutorial system to teach Malay Braille to sighted individuals supporting children who are blind. Proceedings of the World Congress Braille21: Innovations In Braille In The 21st Century (pp. 97-100). Leipzig, Germany: World Blind Union.
    • 2007 Endeavour Malaysia Research Scholarship Award. Awarded by the Department of Education and Training, Australian Government.
    • 2005 Visiting Erasmus Mundus Full Scholar Research Award 2005. Awarded by the European Union Commission. 
    • Silver Medal. An Online Multimedia Tutorial System to Teach Braille to the Sighted: A Casef or Malay Braille (eKodBrailleBM). Malaysia Technology Expo 2011 Award.
    • Silver Medal. ePKhas ® : A repository of multimedia resoruces for special education. Malaysia Technology Expo 2010 Award.
    • Gold Medal. ePKhas: e-Learning resources for special education. Nusantara Educational Research Competition 2009.
    • Best Instructional Design Award 2011/2012. ePKhas ® : A repository of multimedia resources for special education.
    • Editorial Board of Educators' Digest . 2002 - 2012
    • Chief Editor - Bulletin Pendidikan Khas. 2007-
    • National Level - Malaysian Qualification Agency's (MQA) Standard Panel of Experts in the Field of Special Education