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Professor Dr. Munirah Ghazali

  SPLI (MPPP); BscEd (West Michigan); MAEd (Birmingham); PhD (UTM)
  Computer Education, Critical & Mathematical Thinking Curriuculum Level & Teaching Methods, Mathematics Education
  USM Expert     Research Gate    Google Scholar
  • Munirah Ghazali and Abdul Razak Othman.  Numeracy Studies in Malaysia in Sriraman, B. Cai, J. Lee, K. Fan, L, Shimizu Y, Lim, C.S & Subramaniam, K (eds).  The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education, China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India.  IAP Publishing, Charlotte, N.C. 2014.
  • Ingrid Mula, Munirah Ghazali, Mario Tabucanon & Sachiko Yasuda.  Schooling for Sustainable Development: The contributions of Asia-Pacific Regional Centres of Expertise, 2015 (in press)
  • Omar Osman, Susie See Ching Mey, Kamarulazizi Ibrahim, Haslan Abu Hassan, Munirah Ghazali and Kanayathu Koshy.   The Role of Solution-oriented Knowledge Transfer Programme and Networking in Charting a New Course in University-Stakeholder Engagement in 'Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University Level'.  Springer, 2015
  • Ingrid Mula, Munirah Ghazali, Sustainability Science Education:  A professional development module for primary and secondary education teachers, UNESCO Jakarta, 2015 (in press)
  • Munirah Ghazali and Abdul Razak Othman.  Numeracy Studies in Malaysia in Sriraman, B. Cai, J. Lee, K. Fan, L, Shimizu Y, Lim, C.S & Subramaniam, K (eds).  Abstracts of The First Sourcebook on Asian Research in Mathematics Education, China, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India.  IAP Publishing, Charlotte, N.C. 2013
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2011 Vision and Mission of Higher Education Institution (HEI) and its Realtion to Higher Education Learning and Teaching (HELT) – AKEPT, Roles of Higher Education For nation Building (human Capital Development For scholarship And Workforce)
  • Nor Hashimah Hashim, Hashimah Mohd Yunus, Tang Keow Ngang, Norlida Ahmad, Yahya Che Lah, Mohamad Zohir Ahmad, Mohd Norawi Ali, Shuki Osman & Munirah Ghazali (2011) Tahap Kualiti Pengajaran Guru Tabika Perpaduan Dan Hubungannya Dengan Latihan Guru (The Level of Teaching Quality of Unity Kindergarden Teachers and its Relationship with Teachers Training) Basic Educational Research Unit, School of Educational Studies, USM. 141 pages. ISBN -978-967-5467-01-1
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2011 Vision and Mission of Higher Education Institution (HEI) and its Realtion to Higher Education Learning and Teaching (HELT) – AKEPT, Roles of Higher Education For nation Building (human Capital Development For scholarship And Workforce)
  • Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir and Munirah Ghazali, Promoting Socio-Cultural Values Through Storytelling Using Animation and Game-Based Edutainment Software Convergence and Hybrid Information Technologies, Book edited by: Marius Crisan,  ISBN 978-953-307-068-1, pp. 426, March 2010, INTECH, Croatia, downloaded from SCIYO.COM
  • Munirah Ghazali (2010), From Research to One Kind Act in Suseela Malakolunthu and Asma Abdullah (Eds), Fulbright Chronicles American Experience Malaysian Perspective (pp 87-96) University of Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur.  ISBN  978-983-100-504-0 
  • Sidek Mohd. Noah, Abdul Malek Abdul Karim, Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Jamaludin Ahmad, Joharry Othman, Norlena Salamuddin, Mohd. Taib Harun, Lihanna Borhan, Zulkifli Mohamed, Abdul Malek Abdul Rahman, Munirah Ghazali, Syed Mohamed Shafeq Syed mansor, Nabilah Abdullah, Sapon Ibrahim dan Mohd. Yusop Ab. Hadi. (2009). MEdSI: Panduan Rasmi.   Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.  ISBN 9789834508692
  • Nik Norulaini Nik Abd. Rahman, Mohd. Omar Ab. Kadir, Fauziah Ahmad, Ahmad Shukri Yahya, Munirah Ghazali, Noraida Abd. Ghani, Zulkarnain Ahmad Hatta, Siti Azizah Md. Nor, Abd. Malik Abd. Rahman, Muhammad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari, & Noorliza Karia, 2007.  Group 4: women issues:  Evaluation of women’s hajj facilities in Kamarulazizi Ibrahim & Khairur Rahim Ahmad Hilme (Eds.) 2007.  Report of the Universiti Sains Malaysia Hajj Research 1427H “USM Research in the Desert” in collaboration with The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques – Institute for Hajj Research Umm Al Qura University Makkah Al Mukarromah.  ISBN (13) 978-983 – 3474 – 16 – 5.  Published by CETREE USM pp. 79 – 132.
  • M. Ghazali, S.N.Syed Idros, Z. Ismail, F. Salleh and S. Abdul   Rahman. 2006. The development of a framework to assess primary school children’s number sense in Abd. Aziz Tajuddin & Lim Koon Ong (Eds).  Fundamental Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia 2002-2005 Volume 3 (Arts) pp. 140 – 160
  • Munirah Ghazali (2005).  Primary School Children’s Number Sense in Parmjit Singh & Lim Chap Sam (Eds).  Improving Teaching And Learning Of Mathematics From Research to Practice. Pusat Penerbitan Universiti (UPENA), UTMARA, Shah Alam. Pp. 129 – 150.
  • Lim Chap Sam, Munirah Ghazali dan Fatimah Saleh. 2003. (Teaching Materials for Mathematics) Bahan Bantu Mengajar Matematik, PTS Publications ISBN 983 1924 44 4 pp. 110.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Hussain, Hafezali Iqbal and Ayub, Ayminsyadora, A comparative study on the counting strategies of students in year 1 and 2 in Malaysia AIP Conference Proceedings, 1605, 756-762 (2014), DOI:  indexed in Scopus
  • Munirah Ghazali, Santi Sinnakaudan, A Research on Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics Teaching and Learning between Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) and Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) , Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online) Vol.5, No.31, 2014, Vol.5, , 10-19.
  • Nurihan Nasir, Munirah Ghazali, Nordin Abdul Razak, Visualisation Skills of Geometric Figures:  It’s Effect in Visualisation-Based Teaching.  Proceedings of the International Conference on Science, Technology and Social Sciences (ICSTSS) 2014, pp243-248. (Springer Link)
  • Gan We Ling and Munirah Ghazali.  A Study of Malaysian Year 5 Pupil’s Pre Algebraic Thinking.  The Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 2014, Vol. 29, , 105 – 124
  • Mohamed, H.H.; Arshad, M.R.M.; Husain, W.; Zainol, Z.; Rashid, N.A.; Ghazali, Munirah.; Majid, O.A.; Rahim, M.Y.A.; Mahmod, A.R.H., "M-Umrah: An Android-Based Application to Help Pilgrims in Performing Umrah," Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies (ACSAT), 2013 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.385,389, 23-24 Dec. 2013. doi: 10.1109/ACSAT.2013.82  Scopus
  • Ayminsyadora Ayub, Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Razak Othman, Preschool Children’s Understanding of Numbers from the Multiple Representation Perspective, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 2013, Volume 14, Issue 6, 9
  • Adiat B.T., Aznan Che Ahmad, & Munirah Ghazali, Teachers’ Perception on Numeracy Education of Students with Mild Mental Retardation in Penang Malaysia., Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (JSSH), 2013, 7(2), 43-47.   Indexed in ISI 
  • Taibat Bolanle Adiat, Aznan Che Ahmad, Munirah Ghazali , Attitude of Parents-Teachers towards the use of Instructional Technology in Teaching Numeracy to Children with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Case of Penang Malaysia, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 2013, e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
  • Adiat B. Taibat, Aznan Che Ahmad & Munirah Ghazali, Examine Counting Procedure among Students with Mild Intellectual Disability: A Case of Penang Malaysia, International Education Studies; Vol. 6, No. 5; 2013 ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039, 2013, Volume 6, No 5, p33.  Indexed in Scopus.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Ayminsyadora Ayub, Abdul Razak Othman, Preschool Children’s Representation of Numbers on a Linear Number Line: Implications to Teaching and Learning of Number Concepts, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 14 , Issue 6, 2013, Volume 14.
  • Adiat Bolanle Taibat, Aznan Che Ahmad, Munirah Ghazali, 2012, Understanding Numerical Ability in Contributing to the Development of Social Skills Among Students with Intellectual Disability, , International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, Penang, Malaysia
  • Ong, Ewe Gnoh, Lim, Chap Sam, Munirah Ghazali, Examining the Changes in Novice and Experienced Mathematics Teachers’ Questioning Techniques Through the Lesson Study Process, Journal of Science and Mathematics Education In Southeast Asia, 2010, 33 no. 1, , pp 86-109
  • Ali Bawaneh, Ahmad Nuruazam Md Zin & Munirah Ghazali, The Effectiveness of Conflict Maps and V-Shape Teaching Method in Science Conceptual Change among 8th Grades in Jordan, The International Education Studies, Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol 3, No. 1, February 2010, p96.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Razak Othman, Rohana Alias, Fatimah Saleh, Development of Teaching Models for Effective Teaching of Number Sense in the Malaysian Primary Schools, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 8, 2010, Pages 344-350, ISSN 1877-0428, indexed in Scopus.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Rohana Alias, Ayminsyadora Ayub & Noor Asrul Anuar Arriffin, Identification of students intuitive mental computation strategies for 1, 2 and 3 digits addition and subtraction: Pedagogical and curricular implications, Journal of Science and Mathematics Education In Southeast Asia. Vol 33 No.1, 2010, 33 no. 1, , pp 17-38
  • Ali Bawaneh, Ahmad Nuruazam Md Zin &Munirah Ghazali. (2009) The Effectiveness of Conflict Maps and V-Shape Teaching Method in Science Conceptual Change among 8th Grades in Jordan,  The International Education Studies, Canadian Center of Science and Education. Vol 3, No. 1, February 2010. pp 96 – 108
  • Hashimah Mohd. Yunus, Munirah Ghazali and Nor Hashimah Hashim (2009). Preschool Children’s Informal Knowledge of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE): Implication to Creating a Curriculum that Integrate Both RE And EE in the Preschool.  The International Journal of Science in Society Volume 1, Number 2, 2009,, ISSN 1836-6236. International Education Studies ISSN 1913-9020 (Print), ISSN 1913-9039 (Online)
  • Munirah Ghazali, Rohana Alias, Ayminsyadora Ayub & Noor Asrul Anuar Arriffin (2010). Identification of students’ intuitive mental computation strategies for 1, 2 and 3 digits addition and subtraction: Pedagogical and curricular implications. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education In Southeast Asia. Vol 33 No. 1, pp17 -38.
  • Ong, Ewe Gnoh, Lim, Chap Sam, Munirah Ghazali (2010). Examining the Changes in Novice and Experienced Mathematics Teachers’ Questioning Techniques Through the Lesson Study Process. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education In Southeast Asia. Vol 33 No. 1, pp86 -109.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Razak Othman, Rohana Alias, Fatimah Saleh, 2010. Development of Teaching Models for Effective Teaching of Number Sense in the Malaysian Primary Schools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 8, ISSN 1877- 0428  pp 344-350
  • Ghazali, Munirah; Ayub, Ayminsyadora; Othman, Abdul Razak; Alias, Rohana From research to classroom: development of modules that support primary mathematics learning focus on at risk students. (English) Hasan, Yahya Abu (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 5th Asian mathematical conference (AMC), June 22–26, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol. II: Applied Mathematics. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Mathematical Sciences. 732-738 (2009). ISBN 978-967-5417-54-2/CD.  Zentralblatt MATH Database 1931 – 2015.  European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag   
  • Alias, Rohana; Ghazali, Munirah; Ayub, Ayminsyadora Student’s problem posing strategies: implications to student’s mathematical problem solving. (English) Hasan, Yahya Abu (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 5th Asian mathematical conference (AMC), June 22–26, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol. II: Applied Mathematics. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Mathematical Sciences. 724-731 (2009). ISBN 978-967-5417-54-2/CD.  Zentralblatt MATH Database 1931 – 2015.  European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag
  • Othman, Abdul Razak; Ghazali, Munirah; Yunus, Hashimah Mohd Teacher’s knowledge of students: how do teachers make instructional decisions in teaching year one students to solve word problem. (English) Hasan, Yahya Abu (ed.) et al., Proceedings of the 5th Asian mathematical conference (AMC), June 22–26, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol. II: Applied Mathematics. Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Mathematical Sciences. 739-746 (2009). ISBN 978-967-5417-54-2/CD.  Zentralblatt MATH Database 1931 – 2015.  European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag
  • Nor Hashimah Hashim, Hashimah Mohd. Yunus, Munirah Ghazali & Yahya Che Lah (2009) Preschool Teachers Challenges in Teaching and Learning:  The Relationship to Their Training and Professional Development.  The International Journal of Learning
  • Hashimah Mohd. Yunus, Munirah Ghazali and Nor Hashimah Hashim (2009). Preschool Children’s Informal Knowledge of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE): Implication to Creating a Curriculum that Integrate Both RE And EE in the Preschool.  The International Journal of Science in Society Volume 1, Number 2, 2009,, ISSN 1836-6236.
  • Ling, Gan We; Ghazali, Munirah, 2007.  Solution strategies, modes of representation and justifications of primary five pupils in solving pre algebra problems: An experience of using task-based interview and verbal protocol analysis. (English) J. Sci. Math. Educ. Southeast Asia 30, No. 1, 45-66 (2007). Classification: D50C30F92H12
  • Joharry Othman, Lihanna Borhan, Nabilah Abdullah, Wan Marzuki Wan Jaafar,Sidek Mohd. Noah, Jamaludin Ahmad, Tajularipin Sulaiman, Abdul Malek Abdul Karim, Sapon Ibrahim, Mohd Yusop Abd Hadi, Abdul Malek Abdul Rahman, Syed Mohamed Shafeq Syed mansor Norlena Salamuddin, Mohd. Taib Harun, Zulkifli Mohamed, dan Munirah Ghazali pp 113 - 126. Asian Journal of University Education (ACRULET, UiTM), The Construction of the Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (MEdSI): A Large Scale Assessment Initiative, 2008.
  • Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros, Mohammad Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad, Leong Lai Mei, Tan Kok Eng, Fong Sook Fook and Termit Kaur.  2007.   A Prototype Electronic Lesson Generator for Malaysian Teachers.  Malaysian Education Deans’ Council (MEDC) Journal.  Jurnal Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan Malaysia.  Volume 1.  November 2007.  ISSN 1511-8959  pp. 9 – 16
  • Munirah Ghazali. 2003. A study into student’s number sense when solving problems involving fractions. Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia. Vol XXVI/No.1 June 2003.  . ISSN 0126-7663 10 – 23
  • Munirah Ghazali, Zurida Ismail and S. Abdul Rahman, 2007.  Changing Student Teachers' Perception About Problem Solving Through The Integration of ICT In A Mathematics Teaching Methods Course.  Malaysian Education Deans’ Council (MEDC) Journal.  Jurnal Majlis Dekan-dekan Pendidikan Malaysia.  Volume 1 • November 2007.  ISSN 1511-8959  pp 37 – 45
  • Gan We Ling &Munirah Ghazali.  2007.  Solving Problems Involving Geometric Patterns: A Comparison Between Successful And Unsuccessful Solutions Among Year Five Pupils.  .  In Jurnal Akademik Tahun 2007.  Kota Samarahan, Sarawak: Institut Perguruan Tun Abdul Razak
  • Gan We Ling &Munirah Ghazali 2006.  Identifying Year 5 pupils’ pre algebraic thinking: An analysis of their pre algebraic problem solving process.  In Jurnal Akademik Tahun 2006.  Kota Samarahan, Sarawak: Institut Perguruan Tun Abdul Razak. pp.26-40
  • Munirah Ghazali. 2005.  Operasi Asas Matematik, Adakah semudah 2x5 = 5x2?  SAINSAB Journal of The Association for Science and Mathematics Education (ASMEP), Volume 8.  Penang, pp.99-106.
  • Munirah Ghazali, Sharifah Norhaidah Idros and Alistair McIntosh.  2004.  From Doing To Understanding:  An Assessment Of Malaysian Primary Pupils’ Number Sense With Respect To Multiplication And Division.  Journal of Science and Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia Vol 27, No.2 (2004).   ISSN 0126-7663. Pp 92-111
  • Munirah Ghazali. 2004, An Exploratory Study Into Malaysian Children’s Understanding of Multiple Representation Strand On Number Sense.  Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan (Educators and Education Journal), Jil. 19, USM 2004. Pp 33 – 46.
  • Munirah Ghazali. 2001. Solving Old Calculus Problems in a Technology Environment: Is This a New Life for the Problems? An Exploratory Study into Form Four Students Use of a Spreadsheet to Solve Calculus Problems, Classroom Teachers, Jilid 6 Bil 1.  ISSN. 1394 – 5688.  pp. 69-72
  • Mardiana Abd Rahim, Mazlifah Ibrahim, Mohd Nawawi Mohd Nordin, Mohd Razip Samian, Munirah Ghazali and Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah. 1999. Sejarah Perlaksanaan Undang-Undang Islam di Pulau Pinang (A history of the implementation of Islamic Law in Pualau Pinang).Jurnal Shariah, ISSN-0128-6730.   Vol 7 No1 31-42.
  • Mohd. Daud Hamzah, Mustapha Kassim, Mokhtar Ismail, Fatimah Salleh, Munirah Ghazali, Zakaria Kassim, Mohd. Shaari Md. Din dan Lim Chap Sam, 1998.  Mathematical Reasoning Project for primary school children in rural areas in Kuala Nerang-Padang Terap (Projek Penaakulan Matematik bagi kanak-kanak sekolah rendah luar Bandar/terpencil di Daerah Kuala Nerang-Padang Terap). Jurnal Kurikulum, Pusat Perkembangan Kurikulum ISSN 1511 – 2942.  Jilid 1, Bil.1,121 -136
  • Munirah Ghazali. 1996. The use of spreadsheet in the teaching of calculus in secondary schools.Menemui Matematik, Buletin Persatuan Matematik Malaysia ISBN 0126/9003, PP 3461/10/96, pp. 42-52.
  • Zurida Ismail dan Munirah Ghazali. 1997. Teknologi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Matematik di Sekolah Menengah – Penggunaan ‘Spreadsheet’ Sebagai Contoh.  (Technology in the teaching and learning of secondary schools mathematics:  The use of a spreadsheet as an example). Jurnal Pengurusan Pendidikan, Institut Aminudin Baki, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia ISSN 0128-2832, Jild 06 Bil. 2, 17-25.
  • Asiahwati Awi, Munirah Ghazali, 2015.  Best Paper Award.  Problem solving strategy using numeracy in the field of numbers of secondary school leavers.  Nov 10-12 2015, Nagoya. Japan.
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2012.  The Instruction Strategy of Teaching Mathematics in Malaysian Primary Schools., The International Seminar and National Conference on Primary Education., University of Medan, Indonesia, 2012, International
  • Jemputan Sebagai Penceramah Kolokium Siswazah Penyelidikan Pusat Pengajian PBP, Kolokium Siswazah Penyelidikan Pusat Pengajian PBP, Pusat Pengajian PBP, 2013.
  • Seminar Penyelidikan Tindakan PISMP Pendidikan Sains Rendah 2013, Seminar Penyelidikan Tindakan PISMP Pendidikan Sains Rendah 2013, IPGM, 2013.
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2011. Assessment of Primary students’ number sense: Equipping students to meet challenges of learning, Keynote Speker at 4th International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education (ICMEE) 9-12th October 2011, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2011, International
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2011.  Assessment of Primary students' number sense: Equipping students to meet challenges of learning. , Invited Speaker, Haluoleo University, Indonesia, 2011, International
  • Bengkel Kecemerlangan Pelajar Islam Sekolah-sekolah Menengah Pulau Pinang kali ke 12, Bengkel Kecemerlangan Pelajar Islam Sekolah-sekolah Menengah Pulau Pinang kali ke 12, Pusat Islam, 2011
  • Munirah Ghazali, 2009. Application of research In An Intervention Study: Development of Modules that Support Primary Mathematics focus on at Risk Students, Invited speaker at Konferensi Matematika.  The International Seminar and National Conference on Primary Education., University of Medan, Indonesia, 23-25 Julai 2009, International
  • Member of Editorial Board, Asia Pasific Journal of Educators and Education (APJEE), 2/1/2012- 1/1/2013, International
  • Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education (APJEE), 1/1/2013- 5/8/2014, International
  • Editor, Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, UKM, 1/5/2014- 30/4/2017, National
  • Editor Journal Malaysian Education Dean’s Council (MEDC) 2008 – 2010
  • Bronze Award, 2014.  Kebangsaan.  M-Umrah : An Android-based Application to Help Pilgrims in Performing Umrah.inova 14, 5th Exposition on Islamic Innovation 2014, USIM.  Muhammad Rafie Hj Mohd Arshad, Wahidah Husain, Zurinahni Zainol, Nur’aini Abdul Rashid, Hasimah Hj Mohamed,  Omar Majid, Munirah Ghazali, Md Yusoff Abdul Rahim, Abdul Rhaffor Hj Mahmod
  • Global RCE Award to RCE Penang: 2013, International. 8th RCE Global Conference Nairobi, Kenya
  • Global RCE Award to RCE Penang 2014, International. 9th RCE Global Conference  Okayama, Japan.     
  • Anugerah Sanjungan Budi, USM, 2011, Universiti
  • RCE Award Bohol, Filipina Mac 2015.
  • Hans Seidel Foundation Award : Asia Pacific ESD Leadership Training, Tongji University, Shanghai 2015
  • France - Malaysia Academic Cooperation 2012 Mobility Grant Award, France “Malaysia Academic Cooperation 2012 Mobility Grant Award, 2012, International.
  • Endeavour Research Fellowship Award 2009:  Using Research In Children Mathematical Thinking to Inform Teachers’ Professional Development in Primary Mathematics.  Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, and University of Wollongong
  • Silver Award for  CASTME 2007/08 (Commonwealth Association of Science Technology and Mathematics Educators) Award Scheme- Silver Award. Education for Sustainable Energy: A Nationwide Project to Develop Knowledge and Awareness on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy among the Malaysian Primary School Teachers and Pupils.
  • Malaysia Fulbright Award2005, College of Education, Ohio State University, Ohio CIES – MACEEJ. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and US Dept. of State. US.
  • OLP (Occasional Lecture Programme) Award, 2006. Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), U.S.Department of State to Stanford University School of  Education (SUSE), Stanford, California ‘A Research To Develop and Assess Children's Number Sense in Malaysia, and: Mathematics Teacher Education in Malaysia From the Perspective of Curriculum  Development and Teacher Education’, 2006.
  • OLP (Occasional Lecture Programme) Award 2006, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), U.S.Department of State to Harris Stowe State University, St Louis Missouri. 26 April 2006 to lecture on: Mathematics Teacher Education in Malaysia From the Perspective of Curriculum Development And Teacher Education, 2006
  • OLP (Occasional Lecture Programme) Award 2006, Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), U.S.Department of State to The National Hispanic University, San Jose, California, 10 April 2006 to lecture on Children's understanding of mathematics: Number concepts and number sense, 2006.
  • Malaysian Representative for Workshop on the Development of Regional Competency Standards for training in renewable energy, Asean Centre for Energy and Global sustainable solutions pty ltd (GSES)Oct 19 –21st, Singapore, 2004.
  • Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan, 2004.
  • International Advisory Committee for Third International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (CoSMED), 2009.
  • Organizing Team: TSG 8:  Research and development in the teaching and learning of number and arithmetic.  4th to 11th July 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004
  • Committee member Regional Conference On Integrating Technology In The Mathematical Sciences, 2003
  • Committee member International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education (ICMEE 2001)
  • Discussion Group Leader (Day 2. Developing Children's Mathematical Power), ICME WGA 1: Mathematics Education in Pre- and Primary School.  International Conference in Mathematics Education 9, Tokyo, July 31st – August 6th 2000
  • Committee member  of Association of Science Mathematics Education, Penang ASMEP 1997-1999, 2001-2003 (ASMEP), 1997 –1999, 2001-2003
  • President  of Association of Science Mathematics Education, Penang ASMEP 2014-2016