Associate Professor Dr. Azidah Bt Abu Ziden
Associate Professor /
BA(Hons) Graphic Design (Lancashire); MEd Technology (UTM); PhD in Higher Education (Canterbury)
Educational Technology & Media, E-Learning, Instructional Design (e-learning)
USM Expert Research Gate Google Scholar
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azidah's interests is in Instructional Design specifically in the e-learning environment, Educational Technology, ICT, Multimedia and Mobile Learning. Her expertise include Instructional Design in Learning Management System (LMS) and using Web 2.0 to enhance teaching and learning. At the moment she is the Coordinator for Program Pensiswazahan Guru (PPG) USM since 2011. AP Dr. Azidah has been awarded the Most Innovative Content Award (Hybrid Category) in the Annual Teaching & Learning Seminar 2011/2012 in USM, Pulau Pinang. AP Dr. Azidah has also been awarded Teaching and Supervising Award in the Teacher's Day Celebration Award for School of Educational Studies 2016. AP Dr. Azidah is the recipient of TEACHING AWARD for NATIONAL ACADEMIC AWARD OF MALAYSIA 2017 (Anugerah pengajaran, Anugerah Akademik Negara 2017).
Fong Soon Fook, Gerard Boey Kong Hoong, Azidah Abu Ziden, Rozhan Md Idrus (2016), Technology Competency Standards for 21st Century Educators, School of Educational Studies, USM, ISBN 9789673992416
Azidah Abu Ziden, Thenmolli Gunasegaran, Mohd Ismail Abdul Aziz, Nurhanim Saadah Abdullah (2015), Pemantapan Kemahiran Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Guru-guru Sekolah Rendah Luar Bandar (Siri 1 & 2), UPPA, USM. ISBN 9789673992591
Azidah Abu Ziden (in press), Kemahiran Assas dalam Teknologi untuk Kanak-kanak, dalam Kemahiran Literasi Untuk Semua Kanak-kanak, Editor: Fadzilah Amzah & Lee Lay Wah, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Malaysia, 2015
Azidah Abu Ziden (2012), Teknologi dan Media Dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran - Panduan Untuk Meningkatkan Keberkesanan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, Siri 1/No. 10, UPPA, USM
Fong Soon Fook, Balakrishnan Muniandy, Ong Saw Lan, Melissa Ng Lee Yen, Thevananthan Nithyanantham, Azidah Abu Ziden, Mohd Ali Shamsuddin, Leong Lai Mei, Wan Ahmad Jaafar Wan Yahya, Rozhan M. Idrus,(2010). Video Evaluation: On the EDUWEBTV Programme. [ISBN 978-967-5467-11-0]
Fong Soon Fook, Rozhan M. Idrus, Balakrishnan Muniandy, Ong Saw Lan, Leong Lai Mei, Melissa Ng Lee Yen, Azidah Abu Ziden, Mohd Ali Shamsuddin, Ch'ng Pei Ling (2009). Impact Assessment Study: On the EDUWEBTV Programme. [ISBN 978-983-2700-94-4]
Azidah Abu Ziden, Beh C.S & Abdullah.A.Y, (2002), Basic Design Principles for Malaysian Polytechnics, Ministry of Education, Malaysia
Rhian Morgan, Kathryn Meldrum, Sharon Bryan, Bronwyn Mathiesen, Nooraida Yakob, Norizan Esa, Azidah Abu Ziden. (2017) Embedding Digital Literacies in Curricula: Australian and Malaysian Experiences. In: Teh G., Choy S. (eds) Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning. Springer, Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4241-6_2. Print ISBN 978-981-10-4240-9
Azidah Abu Ziden, Fong Soon Fook, Gerard Boey Kong Hoong, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (in press) 2017, Malaysian ICT Comprehensive Standards for Teachers, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol 95, May 2017. (Scopus)
Azidah Abu Ziden, Munirah Rosli, Thenmolli Gunasegaran, Siti Norbaya Azizan, (2017), Perceptions and Experience in Mobile Learning via SMS: A Case Study of Distance Education Students in a Malaysian Public University, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. Vol 11, No 1, 2017, Doi: (SCOPUS)
Nurkaliza Khalid, Azidah Abu Ziden (2016). Investigating the Quality of e-Learning Technology in Relation to Outcomes. The Social Sciences, 11: 4882-4886. (SCOPUS)
Soon Fook Fong, Boey Kong Hong, Gerard, Azidah Abu Ziden. (2016) Establishing ICT Compentency Standard for Malaysian Teachers using the Delphi Technique, Advamce Science Letters, 22 No. 5/6 1556-1559, (SCOPUS)
Zhwan Dalshad Abdullah, Azidah Abu Ziden, Khalid Ismail Mustafa (2015), Students' Attitude Towards The Use Of Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation By Lecturers In Class And The Relationship With Their Academic Achievement, Indian Journal of Research,Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June – 2015
Azidah Abu Ziden, Nurkaliza Khalid (2014),E-Book As Learning Tool: A Review And Focus For Future Research, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning Volume 2 Issue 3
Azidah Abu Ziden, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2013) Using SMS Quiz in Teaching and Learning, Campus Wide Information Systems, Vol. 30 Issue 1, 63 – 72 (Scopus)
Azidah Abu Ziden, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2013), The Effectiveness Of Web-Based Multimedia Applications Simulation In Teaching And Learning, International Journal of Instruction, Vol. 6 No. 2, in press.
Azidah Abu Ziden, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman, Issham Ismail (2012), You Are a Bully! - A Provocateur in Online Discussions, World Applied Science Journal, 2012, 16 (9) (ISI, Scopus)
Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Azidah Abu Ziden, Ali Abbaas Albdour, Bashar Taha Alsayye (2012), E-learning! The New Paradigm of Education: Factorial Analysis, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2/4, 8
Munirah Rosli, Issham Ismail, Azidah Abu Ziden and Hanysah Baharum (2012). The Effectiveness e-Learning Portal: Learning Materials . Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, 14 (1):11-23
Azidah Abu Ziden, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Ali Abbaas Albdour and Bashar Taha Alsayyed (2012). The Horse Before the Cart! The English Language Learners Experience of Using E-learning System. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 7 (12):4 -12.
Fatariah Zakaria, Azidah Abu Ziden and Ahmad Nizam Othman (2012). Effectiveness of AutoCAD 3D Software as a Learning Support Tool. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Vol 7, 2:57-60.
Azidah Abu Ziden and Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2012). Penggunaan Sistem Kuiz Melalui SMS dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran. Diges Pendidik, 12, 1/2012:48-55
Azidah Abu Ziden, Issham Ismail and Robitah Spian (2012). Can Cooperative Learning Maximize the Effectiveness of WebQuest Used in Learning?. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 7 (4):58 - 64.
Azidah Abu Ziden, Fong Soon Fook, Rozhan M. Idrus & Issham Ismail, The Types of Online Interaction Model: Individual Approaches in Online Discussions, Advanced Educational Technologies, 2009, 206-211
Azidah Abu Ziden, Too Woon Chin, Fong Soon Fook (2016), The Effectiveness of Home School Communication using ICT, paper presented in the International Symposium on Education, Psychology and Society, March 29-31, Kyoto, Japan
Ismail Fayed, Azidah Abu Ziden (2014) Designing And Developing Learning Apps For Esl Learners, Proceddings The Second International Conference On Education And Language (ICEL 2014), 20-22 May 2014, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia Azidah Abu Ziden(2013). The Use of Embedded Virtual Reality Scenarios on an Online Problem Based learning System for Sustainability, Paper presented for the 7th International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention (IMETC 2013). Bandung, Indonesia
Azidah Abu Ziden, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2013), The Use of Twitter for Malaysian Higher Education Institutions. Proceedings of the International Conference SMART 2013 - Social Media in Academia:Research and Teaching, June 6-9, Bacau, Romania" (edited by Bogdan Patrut), Medimond - Monduzzi Editore International Proceedings Division, Bologna, Italy, Pp 193-197, ISBN 9788875876869, (ISI Proceedings)
Azidah Abu Ziden, Mohd Ismail Abd Aziz, Nurhanim Saadah Abdullah,Thenmolli Gunasegaran,Strengthening Ict Skills For Rural Primary School Teachers 2nd National Conference On Knowledge Transfer (KTP 02). Marriot Hotel Kuala Lumpur, September 2014
Azidah Abu Ziden, Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2012). International Conference on Islamic Education. The Effectiveness of Web-based Multimedia Applications Simulations in Teaching and Learning, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Samsiah Bidin, Azidah Abu Ziden (2012). Mobile learning in the education industry: Review of the literature 6th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching., Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Azidah Abu Ziden (2011), SMS-facilitated Learning Through Web-Portal as alternatives in assessment and discussion forums: A Concept Paper. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 2205-2211). AACE.
Edalati Fard, H., Abu Ziden, A. & Esa, N. (2011). Hybrid Instructional Design Model Based on Constructivism for web. In S. Barton et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011 (pp. 2205-2211). AACE.
Azidah Abu Ziden & Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman (2011), Blog As Alternative Tool in Developing Teaching and Learning Activities for Pre-School Children, Proceedings of the International Conference on Early Childhood and Special Education (ICECSE) 2011, 10-12 June, USM.
Teaching Award (Anugerah Pengajaran), ANUGERAH AKADEMIK MEGARA KE 10 (2017), Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia (Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia)
TEMPAT KEDUA, Pertandingan Penulisan Ilmiah Terbaik 2017, Institut Tanah Dan Ukur Negara, Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar
SILVER Award, IIDEL 2017 in International University Carnival on e-Learning 2017
Anugerah Pengajaran dan Penyeliaan 2016, Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Excellent Service Awards 2012 (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) – Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Universiti Sains Malaysia 2012: Most Innovative Content – Hybrid Category, USM Teaching and Learning Seminar.
University of Canterbury, New Zealand: Research Award 2004-2007