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School of Educational Studies  |  Main Campus

Associate Professor Dr. Salmiza Saleh

Associate Professor
  BScEd(UM); MEd(USM); PhD(UKM)
  Brain Based Education, Brain Based Learning, Energy Education, Physics Education, Science & Mathematical Education
  USM Expert     Research Gate    Google Scholar
Chapters in Books
  • Salmiza Saleh (2010). Integrasi Prinsip-prinsip Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak dalam Pengajaran Sains di Sekolah. Dalam Fauzi & Nurzatulshima (2010). Isu, Pengurusan, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Sains. Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia 2010.
  • Salmiza Saleh (2011). Eksperimen Fizik yang ringkas. Dalam Nooraida Yakob, Maznah Ali, Salmiza Saleh, Zurida Ismail, Anna Christina Abdullah, Jamal Safri Saibon & Mohd. Ali Samsudin. (2011). Pembelajaran Sains Informal - Komuniti di Luar Bilik Darjah. Yusran Publishing House 2011.
  • Maznah Ali, Nooraida Yakob, Salmiza Saleh, Mohd. Ali Samsuddin. (2011). Sains Informal sebagai pemikat kepada subjek sains. Dalam Effy Mulyasari, Tatat Hartati, Dr. Y. Suyetino, Dr. Ernawulan Syaqqih, Dr. Yahya Sudarya. (2011). Pedagogik Praktis Yang Berkualiti. RIZQI Press, Bandung 2011.
  • Science Education Policy in Malaysia (to be Published by UTM)
Articles in Journals
International Journal
  • Ali Khaled Bawaneh, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, Salmiza Saleh (2010). Harmonization of educational output with the labor market: Tenth grade Jordanian students thinking styles based on Hermann Model and the relationship with track choice for the secondary level. The International Academic Research Journal. Vol. 2, Issue II.
  • Ali Khaled Bawaneh, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, Salmiza Saleh (2010). The relationship between tenth grade Jordanian students thinking styles based on Hermann Whole Brain Model and their track of choice for the secondary school level. European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 4.
  • Ali Khaled Bawaneh, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, Salmiza Saleh (2010). Investigating tenth grade students thinking styles based on Hermann Whole Brain Model for the purpose of developing new teaching method in modifying science misconceptions. Educational Research (October 2010).
  • Ali Khaled Bawaneh, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, Salmiza Saleh (2010). The effect of Hermann Whole Brain teaching method on students understanding of simple electric circuit. European Journal of Physics Education. Vol. 2, No.2.
  • Salmiza Saleh (2011). The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in dealing with students conceptual understanding and learning motivation towards Physics. Educational Studies. First Publisghed on 12 May 2011 (iFirst). {ISI listed: impact factor 0.79}
  • Salmiza Saleh (2011). The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in generating students learning motivation towards the subject of Physics: A qualitative approach. US-China Education Review, 1(1), 63-72.
  • Ali Khaled Bawaneh, Abd. Ghani Kanesan, Salmiza Saleh, Khoo Yin Yin (2011). Jordanian students thinking styles based on Hermann Brain Whole Model. International journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(9), 89-97.
National Journal
  • Mohd. Ali Samsudin, Salmiza Saleh, Zurida Haji Ismail & Ahmad Nurulazam Md. Zain (2003) . The Understanding and Alternative Concepts of Heat Among Form Four Students. Classroom Teacher,8, No. 1. 2003.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2009). Kesan Pendekatan Pengajaran Berasaskan Otak terhadap motivasi belajar Fizik dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat. Malaysian Education Deans Journal. Vol. 4, 39-46.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2011). The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in dealing with the problems of form four students conceptual understanding of Newtonian Physics. Asia Pacific Journal of Education & Educator. Vol 26, Issue 1.
  • Nik Zarini Nik Kar & Salmiza Saleh. (2012). Kesan Pendekatan Inkuiri Penemuan Terhadap Pencapaian Kimia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education & Educator. Vol 27.
Conference Proceedings
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2009). The Effectiveness The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in dealing with the problems of form four students conceptual understanding of Newtonian Physics. Proceeding of Science and Mathematics Education Regional Conference 2008 (SMEREC 2008)
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2009). The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in dealing with the issue of the differences in learning styles amongst students. Proceeding of International Conference on Educational, Research and Practices 2009.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2009). The development and assessment of Brain Based Teaching Approach Module in the context of form four Physics instruction. Procceding of 3rd International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education 2009 (COSMED 2009).
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2010). The effectiveness of Brain Based Teaching Approach in dealing with students conceptual understanding and learning motivation towards Physics. Proceeding of 2nd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society 2010.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2010). BScEd students conceptual understanding of Newtonian Physics. Proceeding of 2nd Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society 2010.
  • Salmiza Saleh. Fatimah Saleh, Shafia Abdul Rahman, abd. Rashid Mohamed (2010). Diagnosing year two pupils understanding of the certain concepts of multiplication at selected schools in Sabah. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier Ltd.) , Vol. 8, 2010.
  • Fatimah Saleh, Shafia Abd. Rahman, Salmiza Saleh. (2010). Pedagogical negotiations between conventional and innovative strategies in teaching KBSR Mathematics: The INSPIRE Project.  Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier Ltd.) , Vol. 8, 2010.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2011). Attracting students to learn Physics via the Brain Based Teaching Approach. Proceeding of International Conference on Technology, Education and Development, Valencia, Spain 2011.
  • Maznah Ali, Nooraida Yakob, Salmiza Saleh, Mohd. Ali Samsuddin. (2011). Sains Informal sebagai pemikat kepada subjek sains.  International Conference on Teaching and Learning, Bandung 2011.
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2008). Keberkesanan Pendekatan Pengajaran Berasaskan Otak dalam menangani masalah berkaitan motivasi belajar Fizik pelajar. Prosiding Seminar Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Pendidikan Guru 2008 (JPPG 2008).
  • Salmiza Saleh. (2009). Prinsip-prinsip Pembelajaran Berasaskan Otak dan Konsep Pendekatan Pengajaran Berasaskan Otak. Prosiding Seminar Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Pendidikan Guru 2009 (JPPG 2009).
  • Abd. Rasyid Mohamed, Shahabuddin Hashim, Salmiza Saleh. Hairul Nizam Ismail. (2010). Sejahtera Corps dalam merealisasikan Universiti APEX. Kertas Kerja Institusi. Prosiding Seminar Jawatankuasa Penyelarasan Pendidikan Guru 2010 (JPPG 2010).
  • Fatimah Saleh, Munirah Ghazali, Salmiza Saleh, Lim Chap Sam, Shafia Abd. Rahman. Modul Pengajaran Matematik Sekolah Berpencapaian Rendah. Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan, USM
  • Mohd. Ali Samsudin, Salmiza Saleh, Nooraida Yakob, Maznah Ali, Jamalsafri Saibon, Anna Christina Abdullah, Zurida Ismail (2009). Nuturing and Sustaining Interest in Science Through Informal Science: Mobile Science Lab and Mini Science Center. Book of Abstract. University Community Engagement Conference 2009 (UCEC 2009).
  • Fatimah Saleh, Shafia Abd. Rahman, Salmiza Saleh, Munirah Ghazali, Lim Chap Sam. (2009). Improving the quality and equity of Mathe matics Education of Rural Children in Primary Schools in Sabah. Book of Abstract. University Community Engagement Conference 2009 (UCEC 2009).
  • Felo Desasiswa Cahaya Gemilang 2008-2010.
  • AJK Kelab Sosial, Kebajikan dan Sukan. Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan. 2009 – 2011
  • Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Program Sijil Perguruan Prasekolah. 2009-2013
  • AJK Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat, Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan. 2010 – 2013
  • AJK Alumni Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan. 2011- sekarang
  • AJK Tetap Perlaksanaan Penambahbaikan Sistem 'Governance' dan Kecemerlangan Unit Penyelidikan Pendidikan Asas (UPPA. 2011-2013
  • AJK Semakan Kurikulum Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan. 2011 - 2012
  • Ketua II Kluster Pendidikan Sains Pusat Pengajian Ilmu Pendidikan.