Abd.Rashid Mohamed, Syarifah Norhaidah Syed Idros, Rohizani Yaakub, Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Abdullah, Norlida Ahmad and others. 2008. Project InSPIRE II – A Need Analysis. School of Educational Studies. 247 pages.
Edited Book
Fatimah Saleh, Anna Christina Abdullah, Khadijah Zon, Zurida Haji Ismail, Nik Rosila Nik Yaacob, Mohd Zuri Ghani, Norlida Ahmad, Lee Lay Wah. (2008). Proceedings of the Seminar Kebangsaan Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak dan Pendidikan Khas 2008. (no. of pages: 248).
Chapter in Book
Rohizani Yaakub, Norlida Ahmad and Shahabuddin Hashim, 2003. Menjadikan Pengajaran Berkesan, Guru Pelatih dan Keperluan Pengajaran. Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication, 2003. pp 106 – 110.
Abdul Rashid Mohamed and Norlida Ahmad, 2003. Pengurusan Kelas,Pengantar Kaedah Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Kemanusiaan. Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication, 2003. pp 201 – 220.
Norlida Ahmad, 2003. Refleksi, Pengantar Kaedah Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Kemanusiaan. Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication, 2003. pp 221 – 236.
Norlida Ahmad, 2003. Motivasi, Pelajar dan Keperluan Pembelajaran. Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication, 2003. pp 179 – 198.
Abdul Rashid Mohamed and Norlida Ahmad, 2004. Pengurusan Kelas,Pengantar Kaedah Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Kemanusiaan. Karisma Publications Sdn Bhd., pp 189 – 205.
Norlida Ahmad, 2004. Refleksi, Pengantar Kaedah Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Kemanusian. Karisma Publications Sdn Bhd., pp. 206– 219.
Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Norlida Ahmad, 2004. Task-based Approach as a Teaching Strategy in Promoting the Speaking Skills. ELT Matters 1: Issues in English Language Learning and Teaching. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp 173 – 180.
Amir Yazid Ali, Norlida Ahmad, Shahabudin Hashim and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim 2004. The Influence of Personality and Learning Styles on Engineering Students' Achievement in an English Course. ELT Matters 1: Issues in English Language Learning and Teaching. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp 282 – 293.
Norlida Ahmad, Nuradyani bt Rosly and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim 2004. Promoting and Sustaining Interest in Literature among University Students Through Cooperative Learning. ELT Matters 1: Issues in English Language Learning and Teaching. Universiti PutraMalaysia Press, pp 302 – 313.
Norlida Ahmad, 2005. Memotivasi Pelajar, Pelajar dan Keperluan Pembelajaran. Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication, pp. 132 – 146.
Norlida Ahmad, 2008. Instilling Learner Autonomy in Malaysian English Language Learners towards Lifelong Education, Lifelong Education in Southeast Asian Countries. ASPENSI Press, Bandung, Indonesia. pp 48 – 57.
Nalliah, M., Abdul Rashid Mohamed dan Norlida Ahmad, 2008. Learning English in Rural Secondary Schools: Difficulties, Learning Styles and Strategies and Motivation. Fundamental Research at USM 2002 – 2005, Volume 3 (Arts).Penerbit USM. pp 178 – 186
Articles in Journals
International Journal
Kabilan, M.K., Abdul Rashid M., Sharifah Noraidah, S. I., Fong, S. F.,Norlida, A. & Leong, L. M. (2006). The e-Lesson Creator. Internet Journal of e-Language Learning and Teaching, 3(2): 28-32. (online)
National Journal
Norlida Ahmad, Nuradyani Rosly and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim, 2002. Promoting and Sustaining Interest in Literature Among University Students Through Cooperative Learning, Educator's Digest, Vol. 2, No. 2/2002. pp. 77 – 90.
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Suzila Mohd Shukor, 2003. Using Peer review As Motivation Tool In a Writing Class.Educators and Education Journal, Vol. 18, 2002/2003. pp. 39 – 48.
Norlida Ahmad, Amir Yazid Ali and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim, 2003. Influence of Personality and Learning Styles on Engineering Students' Achievement in an English Course. Educator's Digest, Vol. 3, No. 2 /2003. pp. 39 – 50.
Aini Faridah Azizul Hassan, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim, andNorlida Ahmad, 2004. Helping University Students with Low English Proficiency Through Computer Technology. Educator's Digest, Vol. 4, No. 2 /2004. pp. 33 – 39.
Norlida Ahmad. 2005. Using Songs to Teach Language? Why Not? Educator's Digest, Vol. 5, No. 1 /2005
Rohizani Yaakub & Norlida Ahmad. Promoting Student Autonomy Towards an Effective Language Learning. Educators' Digest. Jld.5, Bil. 1/ 2005.
Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros,Mohammad Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad, Leong L. M., Tan K. E., Fong, S. F. & Termit Kaur (2007). A Prototype Electronic Lesson Generator for Malaysian Teachers. Malaysian Education Deans' Council Journal, Vol.1, 9-16.
Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Lee Lay Wah, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros &Norlida Ahmad. (2007). A website for teachers on the go: The e-Lesson Creator. Diges Pendidik Jld 7. Bil 2/2007.
Rohizani Yaakub and Norlida Ahmad. 2007. Literature for Cultural Interaction. Educator's Digest, Vol. 5, No. 1 /2007
Conference Proceedings
International Conference
Rohizani Yaakub and Norlida Ahmad. 2003. Alternative Evaluation Techniques in the Classroom. 2nd International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education: Profiling Growth in Teaching and Learning Proceedings. pp: 26 – 34.
Aminah Ayob, Anna Christina Abdullah, Norlida Ahmad, Munirah Ghazali and Shafia Abdul Rahman. 2003. Assessing Preschool Teachers Readiness to Teach English at KEMAS Preschool. 2nd International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education: Profiling Growth in Teaching and Learning Proceedings. pp: 273 – 280.
Norlida Ahmad, Shafia Abdul Rahman, Munirah Ghazali and Anna Christina Abdullah. 2003. Assessing Preschool Children's Basic Reading and Speaking Skills in English. 2nd International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education: Profiling Growth in Teaching and Learning Proceedings. pp: 281 – 285.
Mahbub Ahsan Khan, Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan Abdullah and Norlida Ahmad,(2008), 2nd International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention: Converging Technology, Pedagogy and Content, Learning Experiences with E-portfolios: A Study on Pre-Service ESL Teachers.Universiti Sains Malaysia Publication pp 361 – 371
International Conference Presentations
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Suzila Mohd Shukor. A Survey of Students' Strengths and Weaknesses in Some Topics of Basic Grammar Upon Entering Universiti Sains Malaysia.International Conference on Teaching and Learning. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO, Renaissance Palm Garden, Putrajaya, Selangor. 24-25 November 1999.
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Suzila Mohd Shukor. A Survey of First Year Engineering Students' Grammar Foundation at Universiti Sains Malaysia Perak Branch Campus. The Millennium MICELT: Lessons From the Past, Tracks for the Future.Universiti Putra Malaysia and Pearson Education Malaysia, The RivierraBay Resort, Tanjung Keling, Malacca. 15 – 17 May 2000.
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Suzila Mohd Shukor. Peer-Review as a Motivational Tool at Tertiary Level. International Seminar on Learning and Motivation: Insights From Multiple Perspectives. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Copthorne Hotel, Penang. 8 – 10 October 2001
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Nuradyani Rosly. Promoting and Sustaining Interest in Literature among University Students Through Cooperative Learning. The Malaysian International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT): ELT Today: Sustaining Roots, Spreading Branches. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Seremban Hilton. 7 – 9 May 2002
Norlida Ahmad, Shabuddin Hashim, Amir Yazid Ali and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim. The Influence of Personality and Learning Styles on Engineering Students' Achievement in an English Course The Malaysian International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT): ELT Today: Sustaining Roots, Spreading Branches. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Seremban Hilton. 7 – 9 May 2002
Aini Faridah Azizul Hassan, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim andNorlida Ahmad. Promoting Learner Autonomy In Language Learning Through Self Access Computer Support. The 2nd. International Seminar on Learning and Motivation: Issues and Challenges in a Borderless World. Universiti Utara Malaysia Copthorne Hotel, Penang. 13 – 15 October 2003
Rohizani Yaakub and Norlida Ahmad. Autonomous Learner: How Can Teachers Help? 2nd. International Seminar on Learning and Motivation: Issues and Challenges in a Borderless World. Universiti Utara Malaysia. Copthorne Hotel, Penang 13 – 15 October 2003.
Rohizani Yaakub and Norlida Ahmad. Redesigning Teacher's Roles towards a Learners' Autonomous Education. The 6th International Conference on Language and Development, Intercontinental Hotel,Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 15-17 October 2003
Norlida Ahmad, Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim and Nuradyani Rosly. Task-Based Approach As A Teaching Strategy In Promoting Speaking Skill. The Malaysian International Conference on English Language Teaching (MICELT): English – Alien Language: Understanding The Extraterritorial and Extraterrestrial Properties of the Phenomenon in ELT. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Hotel Equatorial Melaka. 10 – 12 May 2004.
Norlida Ahmad, Amir Yazid Ali, Anna Christina Abdullah and Munirah Ghazali. Assessing Malaysian Preschool Children's Basic English Proficiency Beijing Learner autonomy. The 4th International Symposium on ELT in China. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.Beijing, China. 21 – 25 May 2004
Norlida Ahmad, Rohizani Yaakub and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim. Towards Learner Autonomy In Teaching English In Malaysia.The 4th International Symposium on ELT in China. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. Beijing, China. 21 – 25 May 2004
Norlida Ahmad and Rohizani Yaakub. Memupuk Autonomi Pelajar ke Arah Pembelajaran Bahasa Yang Lebih Berkesan. The International Seminar Toward the Bright Future of Japanese and ASEAN Cultures. Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia. 6 – 8 December 2004
Amir Yazid Ali and Norlida Ahmad. Instilling interest in literature for Engineering students Through personality and learning styles. The International Conference on Literature As a A Means for Cultural Interaction. Mutah University, Karak, Jordan. 24 – 26 April 2005
Norlida Ahmad, Rohizani Yaakob and Amir Yazid Ali. The Issue Of Culture In The Teaching Of Literature For Malaysian Schools. International Conference on Literature As a A Means for Cultural Interaction. Mutah University, Karak, Jordan. 24 – 26 April 2005
Rohizani Yaakob and Norlida Ahmad. Literature for Cultural Interaction: The Malaysian Experience. The International Conference on Literature As a A Means for Cultural Interaction. Mutah University, Karak, Jordan. 24 – 26 April 2005
Norlida Ahmad, Zurida Ismail and Maznah Ali. Assessing English Vocabulary Problem Among TESOL Teacher Trainees. The 3rd International Conference On Measurement and Evaluation in Education (ICMEE), USM, Grand Plaza Park Royal Hotel, Batu Feringghi, Penang. 13-15 February 2006
Lin Siew Eng, Abdul Rashid Mohamed and Norlida Ahmad. UsingReading Matrix to Gauge ESL Reading Proficiency Workshop. The 3rd International Conference On Measurement and Evaluation in Education (ICMEE), USM, Grand Plaza Park Royal Hotel, Batu Feringghi, Penang. 13-15 February 2006
Razanawati Nordin and Norlida Ahmad. Assessing Perceptual Learning-Style Preference of ESL High and Low Proficiency Students at Post Secondary Level. Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Assessment (KLICA). Malaysia Examination Syndicate, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. 16 – 19 May 2006
Norlida Ahmad and Suzila Mohd Shukor. Assessing Students' Writing Through Peer Review. Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Assessment (KLICA). Malaysia Examination Syndicate, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. 16 – 19 May 2006.
National Conference
Norlida Ahmad, 1997. Phonological Variability in the Teaching of English, Seminar UPA 1997 Proceedings. pp: 62 – 67.
Norlida Ahmad, 1998. Students' Motivation and Attitude Towards Learning English: A Survey on USM Engineering Students, Seminar UPA 1998 Proceedings. pp: 77 – 86.
Norlida Ahmad, 2000. English Proficiency Workshop For Elementary School Students of Kg Teluk, Student Motivation Workshop 2000 Proceedings. pp: 35 – 52.
Norlida Ahmad, Rohizani Yaakub, Shahabuddin Hashim and Suzila Mohd Shukor, 2002. Attitude of Preschool Teachers Towards English,National Seminar of Early Childhood Education 2002 Proceedings, pp: 62 – 70.
Shahabuddin Hashim, Norlida Ahmad and Rohizani Yaakub, 2002. Preschoolers Critical Thinking Abilties. National Seminar of Early Childhood Education 2002 Proceedings. pp: 113 – 118.
Norlida Ahmad, Suzila Mohd Shukor and Nuradyani Rosly, 2002. Making Reading Fun at Preschool Level, National Seminar of Early Childhood Education 2002 Proceedings. pp: 150 – 154.
Rohizani Yaakub, Norlida Ahmad and Shahabuddin Hashim, 2002. Teachers' Role in Learners' Autonomy. National Seminar For School Based Assessments 2002 Proceeding, pp: 90 – 98.
Shahabuddin Hashim, Rohizani Yaakub and Norlida Ahmad, 2002. The Implementation of History Coursework for Form 2 Students: A Case Study. National Seminar For School Based Assessments 2002 Proceeding, pp. 277 – 285.
Norlida Ahmad and Puteri Rohani Megat Abdul Rahim, 2002. English Language Assessments for PKBS: Teachers Know Best, National Seminar For School Based Assessments 2002 Proceeding, pp. 295 – 305.
Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail, Munirah Ghazali, Abdul Ghani Abdullah, Sharifah Norhaidah Syed Idros,Mohammad Kamarul Kabilan, Norlida Ahmad, Leong L. M., Tan K. E.,Fong, S. F. & Termit Kaur (2007). A Prototype Electronic Lesson Generator for Malaysian Teachers. Institution Paper presented at the 2007 National Seminar of the Coordinating Committee for Teacher Education (JPPG), 18 - 20 Nov 2007, Seremban, Malaysia. Pp.80-88.
Suzila Mohd Shukor and Norlida Ahmad (2008). Using Short Film to Teach in Preschool. National Seminar of Early Childhood and Special Education 2008 Proceedings. pp 163 – 167.